
Tuesday, December 21, 2021


 This week my friends came over and we were bored so we decided to do a summer learning journey to get us doing something. first we got our materials  like sticks,flax leaves and a tree twig. Next we tied the sticks in a square shape with the flace leaves. Then we also tie the twig on and for decoration you can make a pipe cleaner person. Their you have a winning boat. 


  1. Kia Ora Layla,

    My name is Zana and I am a blog commenter from the summer learning journey.

    What an awesome Nano Girl activity I used to love making origami boats when I was a kid and racing them down the river with my brother!

    I think you did an amazing job introducing and explaining the activity and what you enjoyed and found challenging. You completed this activity in a very scientific manner.

    It is great that you included a photo as well so we could see how your boat turned out.

    What would you change about your boat to improve it?

    Keep up the good work and I hope to see more of your posts during the Summer Learning Journey!!

    Ngā mihi nui,
    Zana Yates

  2. Kia ora Layla! How awesome that you and your friends chose to keep active by designing a raft together and to collaborate on a Summer Learning Journey activity! I love the addition of the pink pipe cleaner figure too. Did you have to travel far to find water to float your raft? Thanks for sharing a picture of your work! I hope you and your friends continue to team up for other SLJ activities during the holidays. I look forward to following your summer blogging. Nga mihi, Naomi (Manaiakalani Facilitator)

  3. Hey Layla,

    Ruby here, a volunteer commenter for SLJ.

    I love that you and your friends got out there and collected some natural materials to make a boat. I just spent some time with my nephews and we tooks some sticks and leaves down to a river to do some stick and leaf racing. Now I'm reading your post, I'm thinking next time we should make a couple of boats like yours and race those! Where did you guys take your boat out to? It sure does look like a winning boat. Did it beat any other boats? What do you think you could do next time to make the boat go faster? I also have another question - if you were to try and do another boat experiment, would you rather change the design, or the size? Or perhaps both!

    I look forward to seeing more of your awesome experiements. Keep it up!

    Ngā mihi,
