
Monday, December 13, 2021

nano girl!


Today for the summer learning journey we made objects that could fly. My favourite one is the paper 
airplane!I could do lots of theses actives all day every day I hope their is more to do

My favourite part was getting creative 

my least favourite part was measuring 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ata mārie Layla!

    My name is Chris, I’m one of the Manaiakalani Summer Learning Journey Blog Commenters. It’s my first year doing this, so I sincerely apologise for some mistakes I may be making along the way!

    It is genuinely great to hear that you enjoyed the first activity on Monday! There will definitely be more to do, so your enthusiasm is fantastic to see. There’s actually a new one today called Geometree, if you’d like to give that a go?
    What made the paper airplane your favourite out of the three you did? Is there anything you would change about the things you made if you could do them again? Creativity is highly encouraged here!

    I’m looking forward to seeing more of this creativity from you during the Summer Learning Journey 2020/2021!

    Ngā mihi,
