This week my friends came over and we were bored so we decided to do a summer learning journey to get us doing something. first we got our materials like sticks,flax leaves and a tree twig. Next we tied the sticks in a square shape with the flace leaves. Then we also tie the twig on and for decoration you can make a pipe cleaner person. Their you have a winning boat.
Welcome to my blog I am in room11 a year 5 and 6 class at Ahipara School in the Far North. My teacher is Miss Chenery.
Tuesday, December 21, 2021
This week my friends came over and we were bored so we decided to do a summer learning journey to get us doing something. first we got our materials like sticks,flax leaves and a tree twig. Next we tied the sticks in a square shape with the flace leaves. Then we also tie the twig on and for decoration you can make a pipe cleaner person. Their you have a winning boat.
Wednesday, December 15, 2021
All year round!

Today we done a poster about a reflection about this year and when I look back at the memories it makes me fell warm inside and how fun and athletic my class. I hope next year I have good memories with my next class!
Monday, December 13, 2021
nano girl!
Thursday, December 9, 2021
Histoy of the haka!
Tuesday, December 7, 2021
The Grinch!
Monday, December 6, 2021
Friday, November 26, 2021
Athletics Day!
Athletics Day
What was your favourite sport and why?
My favourite sport was high jump because I like jumping and I am very confident
Did you persevere and how?
I persevere by giving it a go and not giving up
What are you most proud of?
I am most proud of how high I jumped ( I jumped 1 meter .5) and I came last :)
Can you describe an interesting or funny story of the day?
When I tripped over my foot in the 100 meter running race and I came last :(
On Monday and Friday we done athletics we done shot put,discus,long jump,high jump and Track.
Friday, November 19, 2021
Where´s Santa?
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
lion king act it out!
Tuesday, November 2, 2021
Act It Out!
Today we done reading and with my group we done act it out, act it out is wear a group has to find a play act it out , film it and post it. but with this play was big so we just done one Sean.
My favourite part was filming.
my least favourite part reading.
how do you think my group do?
Monday, November 1, 2021
what is media?
Thursday, September 30, 2021
fabric art!
This week we did fabric art. With One piece of fabric. Our class focused on finding countries with refugees so we found a refugee country and did designs that that country had.
My favorite part was finding images
My least favorite part was painting
I enjoyed finding colours
I did not enjoy cleaning up after.
Watermelon the dinosaur pot plant!
watermelon the dinosaur pot plant
Milk bottle
Light green & dark green Paint
Paint brush
Sand paper
PVA glue
Step 1: Cut the bottom of your milk ( 8 cm height ) with scissors until you are happy with what you have but don't cut all around because you need to cut the neck( 7.5 cm hight) of your dinosaur and add a round oval head ( 3 cm long)
Step 2: Then get a piece of sandpaper and sand the bottle to help the paint get grip. And paint a base white coat x2.
Step 3: Lighty sketch sqwers on your creation, ( 3cm height 3cm Width) on the dinosaur.
Step 4: Paint on your squares with lhigt green paint and dark green paint ( 3cm height 3cm Width). Then paint his neck light green with an eye of your chose.
Monday, September 27, 2021
Whea Donna!
Today we had Whaea Donna come into room 11. Today we had to interview a person from our class about what they like about the Manaiakalani and why they help us to learn. So I interrviewed Lochlan. We filmed on screenscatify so you can see what we have created on our chromebooks.
My favourite part was filming.
My least Favourite part was writing the script.
Here is a link of the video https://watch.screencastify.
Thursday, September 23, 2021
Wednesday, September 15, 2021
The Page!

Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Ben and Jerrys ad
Tuesday, August 17, 2021
Oreo the cow!
should animals be used in show business!
Should animals be used in show business?
Animals are being used in show business and you are probably thinking why is that so bad?
We all love watching TV and movies with animals.
But do you know how badly they are treated behind the cameras?
An elephant got wiped so hard that it fell over. A poor little dog got forced into a very strong current just for a movie. In Lord of the Rings, 27 animals were killed during the filming.
I disagree that animals are used in show business. I disagree that animals should be kept in small cages, mistreated and killed for our entertainment.
Animals in show business are taken from their natural habitat. They get one little cage and that one little cage never gets cleaned. About 70% of animals get kept in little cages for the entertainment industry. 35% of animals get taken out of the wild also for the entertainment industry.
Animals in show business are sad and mrisabale. 10 million animals die a year from being abused for human entertainment. In 2005 62% of animals in Greece were diagnosed with depression from being abused. These animals were punished for doing a trick wrong.
Animals go insane from being filmed to be in movies and TV shows. 9 animals went insane. Like a bear in a zoo was circling for ages and 4 elephants were swaying because of being treated wrong. This is wrong because animals do not deserve it,they can not speak for themselves.
In conclusion I disagree that animals should be used in show business just for out entertainment. Animals are treated wrongly like they don't get their natural habitat, they are sad and miserable and they go insane.
Friday, August 13, 2021
Dear Bobby the refugee!
Dear Bobby,
Welcome to New Zealand. I must of been a long journey for you but I bet you will like this new country. Here are some show and what they sell Paknsave is were you can buy food, Farmlands you can buy stuff for your farm. Te Ahu is a library and movies and postie place is were you can buy clothes. I go to Ahipara school and my favourite pets are my horses Ori and shadow and charlie. My favourite food is hot chips and donuts and my favourite animals are horses! If I could go any where in the world I would go to NZ!
Tuesday, August 10, 2021
Clark's Cakes
Today Shayelah came in to talk to us about her business of making cakes. Shayelah has been making cakes for 10 years and she is a good cake maker. I learned that she can make up to 15 cakes in a week. She is a sole trader which means shes does everything herself. Maths is very important in baking because you have to measure, and count money, pay tax. Here is a link to her website link! .
Monday, August 9, 2021
Thursday, August 5, 2021
Granddads Farm compered to Ahipara!
I live on a farm in Peria, Northland. This is a 40 minute drive from Ahipara. Farm life is a bit different to Ahipara.
In Ahipara there are beaches , sand dunes ,and lots of kids. In Peria, I see animals in paddocks eating grass and hay , motorbikes driving down the bumpy gravel , rivers rushing through the rocks and rusty old fences that need to be fixed.
Ahipara and Peria are different because Ahipara has beaches with big waves. On our farm there are a animals in paddocks and rivers rushing through the rocks. They are similar because they both get noisy from tractors and kids playing outside.
Wednesday, August 4, 2021
Tuesday, August 3, 2021
country clothing!
Country clothing
Country clothing is mainly checked pattern , worn out jeans , designed belts and gumboots. Lots of farm cloths are light so when you go do farm work you do not get to hot. checked tops prevent getting scratched from hay bales.
Monday, August 2, 2021
What is a Quality Blog Comment?
Wednesday, July 28, 2021
Tuesday, July 27, 2021
I notice that More than 2,000 migrants have crossed the sea on small boats in June that set a new record. I wonder if they used petrol or diesel and I also wonder how much the used? I think it is safe to cross if the person know how to drive the boat.
Monday, June 21, 2021
Pop Up Card!
My least favourite part was making the movement because it was hard
Monday, May 31, 2021
Kei Te Aha!
Friday, May 28, 2021
digital footprint!
Friday, May 21, 2021
About Me!
Monday, May 17, 2021
Sunday, April 11, 2021
Friday, April 9, 2021
scratch video!
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
Today we were doing flyers about our explanation. My explanation was on kiwis so I had to do a flyer about kiwis. I learned that cat are predators to kiwis. I really enjoyed decorating the flyer my lest favourite part was having to do it side ways.